September 5, 2009

Calendar of Events: September 2009

2nd: Cards 7pm
Will be at Linda 's home in Clemmons. Call her to RSVP at 201-7901.

9th: Craft Grp 1pm
Will be at Dolores R's house in W-S. Bring your knitting, crochet, embroidery, etc. Please RSVP to her at 245-8406

10th: Bridge 12:30pm
Will be at Margaret R's house in Clemmons. Please RSVP to her at 712-4677.

14th: Book Group 10am
Will be at Donna H's house in W-S. Please RSVP to her at 923-2941.
September's book: "Testimony" by Anita Shreve October's book: "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Hurston Novembers book: "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown December's book: "The Last Child" by John Hart **The House at Sugar Beach by Helene Cooper and Shanghai Girls by Lisa See will be the book choices for a later date, when they are available in paperback.

17th: Lunch Bunch 11:30am
Will be at NOMA Urban Bar and Grill at 321 W. 4th St.(corner of Marshall, downtown W-S). Their phone number is 703-5112. RSVP to Holly L at 940-2159 or Pat S at 774-7610. If you have made a reservation and find you cannot attend, please let Holly or Pat know prior to the date.

19th: Dinner Group's "Octoberfest" 4pm
Will be at Linda P'S house in Clemmons. Please RSVP to her at 201-2026 by Sept 13th.
Join us for an afternoon of fun, beer & brats! Beer and Brats at Linda P's lakeside home in Clemmons. (Canoeing, Lawn Games/Bocce and Polkas optional). Cost $5.00 per person for Beer (from Foothills Brewery) and Brats. Hosts Linda & Gus will fire up the grill with brats; the rest is up to us! So, please, also bring an appetizer or a side dish to share (think German cuisine!) Coffee, wine, soft drinks, dessert, etc. will be provided. Any questions about the September Dinner Club? Contact Vicki S: 608-4685

22nd: General Meeting 10am
Will be held same time/place: Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1416 Bolton Street, Winston-Salem (just off Silas Creek Parkway via the Bolton Street Exit)

At our September meeting, we will have the opportunity to explore Lexington and Davidson County through the eyes of a life-long resident. Robin Bivens is the Executive Director of the Lexington Tourism Authority, and her enthusiasm and depth of knowledge will make us all want to pay a visit to our southerly neighbor. **We will also be collecting the care package items for our troops in Afghanistan at this meeting! For more information, CLICK HERE!

The General Meeting will also include an update on activities, any board decisions, our 50-50 raffle, coffee and good conversation. Please join us for an enjoyable and informative morning. If you know of someone new in the community, be sure to invite them to come with you as general meetings are open to all residences of Greater Winston-Salem are invited to attend. Visitors are welcome to attend two meetings or activities before making a decision about joining the club.

24th: Cards 7pm
Will meet at Penny R’s home in W-S. Please RSVP to her at 671-6440.