August 26, 2012

General Meeting: September 25 at 10 a.m.

General Meetings are a time to welcome visitors, hear guest speakers and discuss club business. All residents of Greater Winston-Salem are invited to join us. General Meetings are held at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1416 Bolton Street (just off Silas Creek Parkway via the Bolton Street exit) at 10 a.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except August and December.

Fall is finally here and it’s a new year for Newcomers and Neighbors. We are kicking off the year with several fun socials - a Snoop party in September, Dinner Out in October, Wine group in November and the annual holiday Party in December.  But this is also a good time to discuss what we want to do in the coming year and where the organization would like to go in the future.  

·       How can N&N better meet the needs of members and prospective members?

·       Are there other programs or activities that members would like to see?

·       What kind of service projects would members like to do?

·       How can the format for the general meetings be adjusted to provide more time for interaction between members and visitors?

·       How can we get more members involved in socials and activities?

·       What can we do to recruit more members and how do we retain current members? 
At the general meeting in September, we need your input and ideas about ways to improve and grow. This meeting will involve several fun activities (with door prizes and accolades?!?) that will give members a chance to interact and provide input on the future direction of Newcomers and Neighbors. Members will also get the opportunity to make a 2-minute pitch for possible service projects this year. The Board will consider member input to make decisions about programs, activities and service projects for the coming year.