October 23, 2012

General Meeting: November 27, 2012, at 10 a.m.

General Meetings are a time to welcome visitors, hear guest speakers and discuss club business. All residents of Greater Winston-Salem are invited to join us. General Meetings are held at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1416 Bolton Street (just off Silas Creek Parkway via the Bolton Street exit) at 10 a.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except August and December

Speaker:   A Representative from Arts for Life, Brenner Children’s

Arts for Life began as a small project in 2001 when the Founding Director, Anna Littman, gave cameras, film and journals to young cancer patients Littman became a part of the community of patients at Brenner when her 11 year old sister was diagnosed with bone cancer.   Spending many hours over several months caring for her sister, Littman witnessed the struggles and triumphs of young patients, and observed that many of the children's emotional, social and cognitive needs were not being met.

While caring for her younger sister, Littman began teaching art.   She started with her sister, then her sister's neighbors in the hospital and, before long, she was teaching up to twenty students.   Patients and parents responded positively to the art lessons and asked for more. Photography and visual arts quickly proved to be ways to help patients successfully cope with their medical treatments and hospital stays.

The program has now grown and is offered in several other North Carolina hospitals.   The organization has seven full time teachers, staff members and over forty volunteers.   Through these programs, the young patients are given the tools and experiences they need to be strong members of their communities in spite of the medical struggles and hurdles they face.  Learn more at: 
http://www.aflnc.org/about.html .

After the program, we will assemble art kits for the children.