December 26, 2013

GENERAL MEETING: Tuesday, January 28, 2014

General Meetings are a time to welcome visitors, hear guest speakers and discuss club business. All residents of Greater Winston-Salem are invited to join us. General Meetings are held at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1416 Bolton Street (just off Silas Creek Parkway via the Bolton Street exit) at 10AM on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except August and December.

General Meeting Bad Weather Policy: In the event of bad weather, our policy is to follow the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School policy: If school is on a two-hour delay, we will meet at the regular time; if school is cancelled, then our meeting is cancelled.

Presenter: Vickie S. Morrison, Rural Hall NC, on “Human Trafficking”
            Vickie Morrison is a lifelong, active member of St. James United Methodist Church, and has been Spiritual Growth Coordinator for the Winston-Salem District. She currently serves as the Social Action Coordinator for the Yadkin Valley District of the United Methodist Women. Through her job with the UMW she has educated herself on the issue of human trafficking, traveling to organizations and local churches to bring awareness to this issue.
            Vickie became a Certified Lay Speaker in the Western North Carolina Conference in 2009 and takes classes each year to maintain her certification. She is an honor graduate of WSSU class of 2010. Her degree is in political science with a concentration in public administration.
            She is employed as a claims adjuster for a large insurance carrier and has worked for the same company for 14 years.
            Vickie’s presentation on human trafficking will include discussion of these questions: What is “human trafficking”? Where is human trafficking taking place? Who is being bought and sold? What can I do?