October 30, 2009

Calendar of Events: November 2009

**Notes: No Daytime Cards due to Thanksgiving; No Wine Group in December due to the Holiday Social.
**Save the Dates: Holiday Cookie Exchange Dec. 15 and Holiday Social/"Snoop" Party Dec. 12

2nd: Book Grp @10am
Will be held at Madelyn M's in W-S. Please RSVP to Madelyn 772-4076
November: Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
December: The Last Child by John Hart

4th: Card Grp @7:30pm
Will be playing Hearts at Colleen E’s home in Ardmore. Guests/spouses welcome.
Please RSVP to her by 11/2 so she canmake arrangements for tables/chairs: 797-8539

9th: Board Mtg @1pm
Will be held at Barbara M's home in W-S. Please RSVP to her at 245-8137.
Board meetings are open to all members.

11th: Craft Grp @1pm

Will meet in Chris M's home in Buena Vista for winter wreath making! Bring wreath form, any leftover trims or decorations you'd like to share, glue gun, & extension cord. Supplies will be provided at a nominal fee that we will share. RSVP to Chris by Nov 9th: 293-4583 so she will know how much to buy.

12th: Bridge Grp @12:30pm
Will be held at Carolyn W’s in W-S. Please RSVP to her at 924-8251.

14th: Dinner Grp @6:30pm
Since there was no volunteer hostess for this busy month, we're going 'out' for Dinner!
Reservations have been made at The Piedmont Club for a diningroom overlooks downtown W-S and the Sauratown Mountains. Vicki and her husband recently became members of the club and have made all the arrangements. (This is a private event — no membership commitment of any kind is expected.) You may order directly from the menu or "prime rib special" from the Grille. Separate checks are available, and you can use your own credit card. No charge for Parking. However, give your parking ticket to Vicki that evening. (parking garage located beneath the building on Marshall Street.) A 20% gratuity is automatically added to your dinner bill, but no other tipping is needed. Reservations are a MUST! The room that is reserved is limited to 18 guests. Please call or email Vicki asap or by November 7th. This is not a 'couples only' event - any member of Newcomers may attend with or without a guest.

19th: Lunch Bunch @11:30am
Will be at Big Shotz Tavern (109 S. Stratford Rd W-S) For directions, call the restaurant: 727-4490.
RSVP to Holly L 940-2159 or Pat S at 774-7610.
If you have made a reservation and find you cannot attend, PLEASE let Holly or Pat know prior.

24th: General Mtg @10am
All residences of Greater Winston-Salem are invited to attend. The General Meeting will include an update on activities and board decisions, as well as our 50-50 raffle, coffee and conversation. Join us for an enjoyable and informative morning . . . and bring another newcomer! Meeting are held at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1416 Bolton Street, Winston-Salem (just off Silas Creek Parkway via the Bolton Street Exit)

Our November meeting is just two days before Thanksgiving so we're going to create our own program. Thanksgiving is all about family and sharing, so we want each of you to be prepared to share the following:
**First: Be prepared to share two short stories about Thanksgiving - your worst & best memory of the holiday and why.
**Second: Bring an object with you that has great meaning to you and be willing to tell why. Maybe because of who meone who gave it to you, or where you bought it. (i.e. a piece of jewelry, a photograph, a piece of china, a small piece of art, or a favorite item of clothing).